“Therefore I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven; that’s why she loved much. But the one who is forgiven little, loves little.” (v. 47)
Have you noticed how much pleading goes on in church?
Someone in the front of the room pleads with you to show up. To give. To serve. To go, and go further. Someone is there, urging religious people to do religious things, for the glory of Christ in and through the church.
It’s an uphill battle.
Please hear me: I’m not making a defense for every churchy thing, nor am I counting religious participation as the sole indicator of faith and faithfulness. What I am saying is this: When a church is full of people who are keenly aware of their sin and of Christ’s forgiveness, they don’t often have to be convinced of much.
Forgiven people love extravagantly. They pour out their lives at the feet of their Savior. They might not be as practiced or put-together as seemingly righteous—and they don’t care. They give and they go, so that the Gospel that reached them might reach others.
Imagine if your church was filled with grateful, grace-filled worshipers! And imagine if you were one of them….
— Tyler