From Luke 5: Left Behind

”Then they brought the boats to land, left everything, and followed him.“ (v. 11)

Be honest:

Does your life look like a “left everything” life?

Mine doesn’t. I have heard the Master’s voice. I have responded with faith and repented of sin. I have sought to worship Him and serve Him and proclaim Him.

And I’ve dragged a lot of my own comforts, preferences, and property along for the ride.

The example of the first disciples is, in fact, radical. It is also unequivocal: When they left everything, they left everything, including the only career they’d ever known (and the means by which they did it). Is that always the kind of calling the Lord gives us? No. But we ought to be sensitive to the sorts of sacrifice that ARE asked of us—and we ought to live lives where the right things have been left behind.

So lay down your comforts. Lay down your life plan. Lay down the jobs and the places that you chose. And listen. Jesus is still calling.

— Tyler