“‘What do you want me to do for you?’ ‘Lord,’ he said, ‘I want to see.’” (v. 41)
Do you have an answer?
I think we miss the magnitude of this moment: Jesus, when passing through Jericho, hears the cry of the blind man. The man calls out to Him with faith, confessing Jesus as the promised Son of David. Jesus stops.
And He asks the question: “What do you want me to do for you?”
Do you have an answer?
The blind man certainly does: “I want to see.” The need is known, apparent, urgent.
But what about you?
A lot of us walk around like we don’t actually need much from Jesus. We act like our lives are basically put-together, and that we really only need little enhancements from heaven. We pray small prayers with proportionate hopes. We don’t want to bother Jesus.
But He asks the question!
Take time today to think about your answer. Imagine Him there, in front of you, faithful to hear your need. And tell Him! Trust Him! By the purest grace, the blind man’s invitation is ours, too.
— Tyler