From Luke 15: The Party

“I tell you, in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who don’t need repentance.” (v. 7)

Let’s talk about when NOT to have a party:

In religious life, there’s a lot to enjoy. We enjoy a growing fellowship. We enjoy increasing generosity in the church. We enjoy deeper discipleship and devotion together. We certainly enjoy high attendance and new members.

But none of those signal “party time” in the Kingdom. They’re good, but heaven isn’t rejoicing just because religious people get more religious.

So let’s talk about the “when” and “why” for heaven’s party:

It’s when the lost are found. It’s when one wanderer repents and returns. When the one who strayed is rescued by the Shepherd, heaven rejoices—and the church ought to join the celebration!

I’m all for deeper and fuller life among believers. But don’t forget to pray for—and party about—heaven’s joy.

— Tyler