From Luke 9: Inconvenience

“When the apostles returned, they reported to Jesus all that they had done. He took them along and withdrew privately to a town called Bethsaida. When the crowds found out, they followed him. He welcomed them, spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed healing.” (vv. 10-11)

Funny thing about ministry:

It’s never convenient.

The needy arrive at just the wrong time. The offering is gathered when you don’t seem to have much. The knock on the door, the phone call, and the GoFundMe all happen at low tide.

We would rather ride those moments out with comfortable religion. We would rather stay with Jesus in the quiet place, praying and worshiping and receiving. We would rather have what the disciples would rather have: after a season of serving, some respite.

Yet the inconvenient crowd calls.

Will you remain open to serving still? To giving what you’ve got, even when you don’t think it’s much? Will you genuinely desire closeness with your Lord—the Lord who viewed the inconvenient crowd with compassion?

Ministry is hardly ever convenient.

It seems, however, that that’s no excuse.

— Tyler