From Jonah 2: The Cry

“I called to the Lord in my distress, and he answered me. I cried out for help from deep inside Sheol; you heard my voice.” (v. 2)

It doesn’t matter how far you run.

It doesn’t matter how deep you sink.

It doesn’t matter how low you’ve laid yourself.

From whatever depth at whatever distance…

…God hears your cry.

Jonah, in the middle of the rebellious mess he’d made, prayed. He cried out, knowing that all he had left was the pure grace of God. He was reaping what he had sown in disobedience. Yet he also knew—because he was sitting in the middle of a miracle!—that God could still raise him to life, and to a second chance.

So it is for you and for me. We can pray this prayer, too, and we can remain confident in God’s faithful love.

If you find yourself in the depths—even depths of your own making—cry out to Him. He hears and answers.

— Tyler