From 1 Samuel 10: Can’t Hide

“The Lord replied, ‘There he is, hidden among the supplies.’” (v. 22)

I don’t know for sure what God has called you to.

I don’t know which door He has opened, which task He has entrusted, which calling His church has counted as yours, in the Spirit.

But I do know this:

It’s time to stop hiding from it.

When God permitted the calling of Saul as king, it was a radical responsibility, especially for a young man. So it’s not terribly surprising that, when the big and public moment comes, he hides. But here’s the thing: Hiding didn’t accomplish much. The LORD was always aware of the man’s hiding place—and the man’s heart. Hiding—hunkering down in safe-seeming spaces you’ve made for yourself—might reveal something about your faith, but it doesn’t affect the reality of what’s entrusted to you.

So, since we can’t really hide, what ought we do?

Stand up. Walk by faith. Don’t act like you’re not still afraid or confused or weak, but instead carry those things into your calling, and let God work through them.

If the church and its people hide, we’ll miss a host of Kingdom opportunities. Since hiding is ultimately fruitless, let’s aim to bear fruit instead, even if we’re afraid. That’s where faith takes over.

— Tyler