From Psalm 109: A Negative Example

“He loved cursing — let it fall on him; he took no delight in blessing — let it be far from him.” (v. 17)

Sometimes, we need a negative example, so that we know what not to do.

This prayer against an enemy and accuser gives us that.

In Psalm 109:17, we find a logical imprecation: For the enemy who has loved cursing, let him be cursed. And for the accuser who has spurned blessing, let his own blessings be removed.

This prompts two reactions:

First, may we trust that God will righteously—and, indeed, logically—judge human sin. Adversaries aren’t rewarded. Those who elevate themselves and speak down to their neighbors will know an ultimate humbling.

But, second, may we be rightly warned by their negative example. May we do the opposite of what they do! Let us take no delight in cursing, pursuing both purity and humility in speech. And let us love blessing, serving our neighbors—and even our accusers—with Good News.

When the Scripture gives you a negative example, listen up, and turn around.

— Tyler