From Psalm 106: From Depths to Desert

“He rebuked the Red Sea, and it dried up; he led them through the depths as through a desert.” (v. 9)

You know the feeling.

In over your head. Crushed by sin’s weight. Out of breath and out of time. Desperate for light and hope and life.

You know the underwater feeling.

So listen to who this God is:

He is the one who rescues. He is the one who saves. He is the one who breathes His Spirit into you, when you believe.

Ultimately, He is the one who transports you from the depths to the dry ground, and it fundamentally changes the way you walk in the world.

Israel was saved from Egypt and captivity and pursuer when God dried the seabed before them. And you, in Christ, will be saved from worldliness and sin-slavery and death, when you walk in His light.

Pray, then, that all your life’s depths will be as dry ground, in Him.

— Tyler