From Ruth 2: Welcomed

”She fell facedown, bowed to the ground, and said to him, ‘Why have I found favor with you, so that you notice me, although I am a foreigner?’” (v. 10)

We are meant to see a whole lot of ourselves is the Book of Ruth. We’re meant to look for a corresponding spiritual reality in its history.

And this moment is a big one:

When Boaz—the wealthy family redeemer—shows especial favor to Ruth, it should stop us in our tracks. Ruth is a foreigner. Ruth doesn’t belong at the table. Ruth is an outsider by birth.

Yet she is welcomed.

It’s a glimpse of our own experience with the ultimate Redeemer. Jesus welcomes us, though we are estranged by both both and behavior. He shows us favor, though we, in sin, are outsiders.

So Ruth’s cry ought to be our cry. The grace of the One who can give it ought to drive us to worship.

See yourself in Ruth, and approach the Redeemer with gratitude.

— Tyler