“Teach me your way, Lord, and I will live by your truth. Give me an undivided mind to fear your name.” (v. 11)
I haven’t kept count…
…but I think I have thought about, like, seventy-eight things so far today. (And it’s still pretty early.)
Of all the ways I might describe my own mind, undivided almost certainly wouldn’t make the list. I vacillate between distraction and distress, between worry and waste—and the things of God are left to sort of fit in wherever. Maybe He gets some of my mind part of the time, but He’s not getting all of it.
So it’s comforting to me to see one such as David praying that God would give Him, as a gift of grace, an undivided mind. We, in our fallen state, wrestle fractured thought-lives. But God, who is gracious, can heal us, captivate us, and pull us toward worship when we ask.
I’m praying for an undivided mind today, for His glory in me.
— Tyler