“Do not bring any detestable thing into your house, or you will be set apart for destruction like it. You are to abhor and detest it utterly because it is set apart for destruction.” (v. 26)
Take a look around.
Like, right now.
Because, if we’re serious about the life God has given us, it’s worth examining our inventory.
I know we like to cover ourselves with too-fluid definitions of “Christian freedom,” but, honestly…
…are you keeping detestable things around?
The more our stuff looks like the stuff of the world—intoxicants, pornographic media, syncretistic idols—the less we look like the people God has called us to be. If we have trusted Him for the distinct and singular salvation that comes in Christ, then our stuff ought to be distinct, too. The more we permit the worldly in our world, the less we reflect His life in theirs.
So take an inventory…
…and, if anything shouldn’t belong, be rid of it.
— Tyler