“On the sixth day they gathered twice as much food….” (Exodus 16:22)
Have you ever thought about the Sabbath, about a day for worship, about God’s design for our religious rhythm?
Have you ever thought about Sabbaths…and the fact that God didn’t have to grant them?
The Sovereign God could have—could still!—demand our labor each and every day. He could insist that His people work and work obediently, with neither rest nor rescue. He has already done so much in sparing our lives by His grace—so He could simply ask for our tireless efforts in return.
Yet He has organized everything around rest, around worship, and around the enjoyment of Him.
When Israel was in the desert, He provided food for them daily, which meant daily labor. Yet on the sixth day He provided twice as much. He has always ensured that His people would have enough so that, out of His gracious abundance, they could keep a rhythm of rest.
And, of course, a rhythm of worship—because the Good God who provides is worthy.
Something to think about when you think about the margin you’ve been given each and every Sunday.
— Tyler