From Exodus 10: Light in the Dark

“Yet all the Israelites had light where they lived.” (v. 23)

Think about your world.

Think about its moral state. Think about all the things our neighbors are desperate to fill themselves with. Think about the acceleration of hopelessness.

Think about your world…and its darkness.

It doesn’t strike me as all that different from the darkening miracle God performed in Egypt. Ours may be metaphorical (whereas Moses’ act was wholly historical), but I think we know a similar feeling, spiritually speaking.

We are surrounded by a darkness that can be felt (v. 21). Our neighbors live in it.

But us? We, who have heard and believed the Good News of Jesus, the Gospel people?

There is light where we live!

We ought to count that as a gift, pure and simple—but we also ought to do something with it. Bear your light—the grace you’ve received in Christ—to your neighbors. Carry it into their darkness, so that they might glimpse hope, and turn around.

We’re a long way from Egypt…but never far from neighbors who need the Light.

— Tyler