From Psalm 33: Skilled

“Sing a new song to Him; play skillfully on the strings, with a joyful shout.” (v. 2)

No one is surprised by the Bible’s insistence on worship. The God who has graciously made Himself known in these words is worthy.

But…are you worshipping skillfully?

The calling of Psalm 33 isn’t just to worship: it’s to worship intentionally, attentively, and creatively. Like a musician who hones her craft over a lifetime of playing, so too should our songs and our prayers and our attention to the Word be honed over a lifetime of church. We ought to strive for higher praise and deeper devotion. You start with “Jesus Loves Me” on a kazoo—but there are rhythms and melodies and lyrics waiting to burst forth from those who have put in the work of worship.

May we, then, worship skillfully—and maybe try our hands at the ten-stringed harp.

— Tyler