From Psalm 26: Prescription

“I wash my hands in innocence and go around your altar, LORD, raising my voice in thanksgiving and telling about your wondrous works” (vv. 6-7).

Have you ever wished that the Bible would just tell you what to do?

(You shouldn’t have to look too hard here. The Bible is filled with direct instruction for your good—and for God’s glory in your life.)

You might not have been looking for a prescription in this Psalm’s prayer…

…but try this:

Repent, and choose moral purity.

Worship in the church.

Live gratefully.

Give others the Good News.

Is there more to the Bible’s instruction? Obviously. But could a faithful life reasonably be less than this? No, not really.

If you will choose moral purity, worship the Lord with the gathered body—all while cherishing contentment and sharing the Gospel—you’ll find yourself on the only God-honoring path.

That’s a tidy enough prescription.
