”He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also put eternity in their hearts, but no one can discover the work God has done from beginning to end.“ (v. 11)
The words of the Teacher bring us all to a sort of intersection—and, there, we realize a vital truth about the Image of God in us.
First, there is the realization that we want to know more. This entire book is a testimony to the search: for meaning, for purpose, and for worth. The one who is inspired to write here keeps seeking more. The problem, of course, is that he can never quite know enough.
That collides with the truth recorded in v. 11:
God has put eternity in our hearts.
We want to know more…because we know there is more. The pull toward the ultimate reality is built in. Whatever our lived days are like, we know that they are not all there is.
When these two ideas meet in our hearts, it could be…well…disheartening. We don’t get to know what we want to know, what we need to know.
But we do get to know! You and I have the fuller revelation! We know Christ, who has prepared a place for us! The pull toward the ultimate is Spirit-led, truth-driven, and grace-given, here in this Gospel age. What God has built into us—a longing for eternity—is bought for us by Christ.
The Teacher longed to know this. Don’t discount the privilege you, who knows, has.
— Tyler