From Song of Songs 2: How to Stay Married

“Like a lily among thorns, so is my darling among the young women.” (v. 2)

Let’s face it:

Marriage isn’t always easy.

Relating to some other—even when it’s the other to whom you were once fiercely attracted and with whom you have been building a life—is hard. However much you have become one by vow, you are still very much two: two minds, two hodgepodges of habits and tendencies, and at least two love languages. The lifelong task of smoothing out the rough patches and walking forward together is not easy.

So…what’s the secret to staying married?

Keep valuing her. Treasure her. No matter what other things the world calls “beautiful” and then throws at you, choose to call no other thing beautiful but the one God has given you.

If you will count everything else as “thorn” and only her as “flower"—if you will look on her with real captivation and fix your eyes on her—then you stand a pretty good chance.

— Tyler