”We will impose the following commands on ourselves: To give an eighth of an ounce of silver yearly for the service of the house of our God…” (v. 32)
When God’s people rebuild their home in Jerusalem, and when they recommit to the Word and the worship of God, they also pledge their family names to a kind of religious realignment.
And religious realignment almost always begins with one category of behavior:
Systematic, thoughtful, biblical giving isn’t a secondary concern. It’s fundamental, foundational. The people of God, who desire to honor Him in worship, start here: We will give, as the Bible directs. What’s more—and this is kind of unpopular, culturally—they entrust their gifts to those called to serve the ministry. It’s a submitted, hands-off, pure practice.
Would you sign your name to that, you who would realign your life with His ways?
— Tyler