From Nehemiah 8: Choosing a Minister

”They read out of the book of the law of God, translating and giving the meaning so that the people could understand what was read.“ (v. 8)

I have read a lot of ministry job descriptions in my life.

Churches tend to be pretty open about what they’re seeking in a minister, which actually gives you quite a bit of insight into what a church values. They get detailed about expectations and qualifications and even preferences. And, typically, the lists all run together: preach from the Bible, administer the church’s polity, serve the members while also reaching the community.

I wonder, however, if we could simplify it.

(And by “simplify,” I mean, “Keep it biblical.”)

During the great revival under Ezra, God’s people had one expectation of their priests: Read the Word, translate it, and help the people understand it. When the Word is read, translated, and applied with understanding, the rest of religion follows in order. It’s not a facet of ministry; it is the ministry!

Keep this in mind as you consider who among you might minister—and how you expect him to minister—so that our churches will be ordered rightly.

— Tyler