From Nehemiah 4: A Lesson for the Leader

”And I, my brothers, my servants, and the men of the guard with me never took off our clothes. Each carried his weapon, even when washing.” (v. 23)

We’ve all known the leader who stays on the platform.

He speaks. He directs. He encourages. He points you back through the doors to the work we’re all called to.

We’ve all know that kind of leader…

…and there’s a word for it:


Instead of looking for leaders who merely expect you to listen, look for the ones who expect to live out this calling with you. Nehemiah is a brilliant example of this. He describes the work that so many are doing, the work he prayerfully led them into, and he punctuates it with two words that make all the difference: “And I.” He is there, working and guarding alongside those he leads.

Avoid leaders that are all talk. And you, too, avoid the all-talk trap. Then watch how God works among a people who are led—and who live—rightly.

— Tyler