From Lamentations 2: The Problem with a Half-gospel

“Your prophets saw visions for you that were empty and deceptive; they did not reveal your iniquity and so restore your fortunes. They saw pronouncements for you that were empty and misleading.” (v. 14)

Listen up!

You are surrounded by religious voices. They’re in pulpits and podcasts and social media platforms. And they share a lot of language with their rightly religious audience: messages of faith and of hope and of love.

But there’s a problem.

Not many of them are honest about human sin, about our need for a Savior’s mercy, and about the demand for a repentance that magnifies the goodness of His atonement. They’re only preaching a half-gospel.

Israel had more than a little of that in its history. They were filled with “prophets” who only spoke of their chosenness and their privilege and their Promise. But what they needed—and who they needed to listen to—were honest voices speaking the truth. They needed to be confronted with their sin.

Listen up for all the half-gospels out there—and be willing to change the channel.

— Tyler