From Ezekiel 36: Loathe

“You will remember your evil ways and your deeds that were not good, and you will loathe yourselves for your iniquities and detestable practices.” (v. 36)

There really is just the one moral indicator of the believer’s made-new life:

You will utterly despise the way you were, the things you did, and the temptations that would lure you back.

When you receive the gift of redemption, by grace through faith because of Christ, everything about who you used to be and what you used to do changes. It is all cast in the harshest light—the light of purity—which illuminates its loathsomeness. You, saved, learn to loathe what you once loved.

Regeneration follows repentance—so turn from all of that stuff, and be transformed, in Christ.

— Tyler