From Job 13: Shutting Up

“If only you would shut up and let that be your wisdom!” (v. 5)

Sometimes our words help.

They can be comforting. They can be clarifying. They can be caring.

Sometimes our words help.


…never underestimate the value of quiet when you seek to care.

Job—though apparently a fan of speeches himself—endures a series of lectures from his friends. Not everything they say is wrong. In fact, much of it is helpful theology. But that’s not what their hurting brother needed in the moment. Job lashes out, maybe because he remembers how effective their care was when their care simply meant their presence (cf. Job 3:13).

Please please please continue to go to those who are hurting. Love them. Be present. And, when appropriate, speak truth and pray for them.

Just be willing to be quiet with them, too.

— Tyler