From Psalm 15: The Laundry List

“LORD, who can dwell in your tent? Who can live on your holy mountain?” (v. 1).

Before you take one step further, account for God’s mercy, which has come to you in Christ. You have been propelled out of performance-based religion, by the power of His atoning sacrifice. There is grace, which is the Gospel’s Good News. You don’t have to perform perfectly.

You do, however, have to read this list.

The Psalmist’s picture of a righteous person produces quite the laundry list. In answering the question—“What must one do to stand in the presence of God?”—he is given a detailed accounting of the kind if character God values.

What makes the list?


Devotion to truth.




Examine your lived life in the light of that Gospel—really, the Light of Holy God.

Are you living like you value what He values?
