From Genesis 12: Blessings

“…and you will be a blessing” (v. 12).

So much of our energy in prayer is spent seeking God’s blessings. That’s not wrong. We’re taught—we’re implored—to ask.

But there are two sides to the “blessing” reality.

Yes, God blesses, and He does so by grace. The right response of the human, then, is worship. Faith ought to follow the realization of God’s gracious goodness.

But God doesn’t bless into dead ends. He blesses so that we might be blessings, too, so that others can know the hope and the generosity and the love God has through us.

Abram’s family would bring the Blessing, the line and lineage on the way to Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Yet our families, by Gospel-driven goodnesses, become blessing-bringers, too.

You, my friend, will be a blessed blessing.

— Tyler