This page contains articles, books, podcasts and websites for you read & explore as you try to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your (closest) neighbors as yourself.
Music, Art, Poetry, Literature & Entertainment
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”
This page is filled with songs, poems, stories, movies for you to enjoy for your good & God’s glory. There are articles, books, & other resources about how & why to engage with music, art, literature, etc...
Listen, read, watch & engage thoughtfully allowing the Scriptures, the Spirit, your leaders & the community around you to shape your understanding & practices.
Art & Poetry
Christian Living and Cultural Engagement
““You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.””
This page contains news sources, podcasts, books & articles to help you grow in engaging the world, both local & global, through the lens of the Gospel. Read & listen critically, allowing the Scriptures, the Spirit, your leaders & the community around you to shape your understanding & practices.
News & Articles
Truth, Goodness & Beauty
How do we know what is True, Good & Beautiful when so many voices are saying different things?
These talks explore Truth, Goodness & Beauty in light of the Biblical storyline.
Created For Truth, Goodness & Beauty
Talk 1 of 4 | Radford Cru Fall Retreat | 2019 | Michael Worrall
Counterfeits: Truth, Goodness & Beauty Lost
Talk 2 of 4 | Radford Cru Fall Retreat | 2019 | Michael Worrall
The Original: Truth, Goodness & Beauty Displayed
Talk 3 of 4 | Radford Cru Fall Retreat | 2019 | Michael Worrall
The Replicas: Truth, Goodness & Beauty Restored
Talk 4 of 4 | Radford Cru Fall Retreat | 2019 | Michael Worrall
Technology & Family
This is a special talk on the relevant topic of technology and how we engage in a technological society as believers and in families.
Reid Monaghan shares: “One of the things about our modern world is that technology is becoming more and more pervasive. We have screens of every size traveling with us where we live, work, worship and play. How do we navigate technology with our children and as a family? Should we ban it all? Use it wisely with gratitude to God? How do shape appropriate boundaries and wisdom with our children related to the use of technology? Join us on Sunday after the worship gathering for frank discussion of parenting and technology.”
Technology & family
Sunday, May 5, 2019 | Reid Monaghan
Studying the Bible
“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life...
Bible Reading Plans
Both of these links have multiple different ways of regularly hearing from God’s Word. There are different reading plans, email newsletters, podcasts, articles, & charts. Find what works for you and dive into the depth & beauty of God’s Word.
The Bible Project has excellent videos summarizing books, themes, words, and concepts from the Old & New Testament. They are clear, concise, faithful, enjoyable and accessible for all ages.
The ESV Reading Plan contains 15-20 minute podcasts that take you through the Bible in a year. The Bible Project contains 45+ minute podcasts that explore books, themes, & words of the Bible. Read The Bible contains 3-5 minute podcasts that work chapter by chapter through the Bible drawing out theological & philosophical implications from each chapter.
Spiritual Disciplines
God uses Spiritual Disciplines to train us. This training results in our deepest hungers being satisfied. Embracing Spiritual Disciplines (such as fasting, community, giving) is so important that we dedicate one or more sermons to this topic around New Years every year.
Please join us in these transformative practices!
articles & handouts
Advent, which means "coming," is the four weeks leading up to Christmas, and is a season of preparation and anticipation, longing and expectation. In Advent, we look forward to our Savior’s second coming even as we prepare to celebrate his first coming at Christmas. Advent is a practice that cultivates longing for Jesus!
Below are a handful of rich resources and ideas worth checking out. In keeping with the spirit of Advent, find the thing or things that resonate with you, and keep it simple.